About Diversity, Culture and Wellbeing
The new Diversity, Culture and Wellbeing Portfolio represents QUTLS’ commitment to student support and inclusivity.
We aim to provide events that meet student needs and foster awareness of the importance of equity, empathy and a sense of justice, which we believe are essential traits for the modern law student.
The Diversity, Culture and Wellbeing Portfolio offers events and initiatives that address issues such as financial equity; gender equality; domestic violence; disability support; cultural diversity; and equity for LGBTIQA+ students, external students and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
In 2019, we offered the following events:
Indigenous Reconciliation Breakfast (July 22)
Ashurst LGBTIQA+ and the Law Forum (September 11)
Domestic Violence Awareness Breakfast (October 9)
We will also be holding monthly ‘Coffee Catch-Ups’, which are casual socials. Keep an eye on the QUTLS Facebook page for more details!
For all equity enquiries, please email our Director of Diversity, Culture and Wellbeing at director.dcw@qutlawsociety.com
In keeping with the spirit of Reconciliation, QUTLS acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands where QUT now stands, and recognise that these have always been places of teaching and learning. We wish to pay respect to their Elders - past, present and emerging - and acknowledge the important role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to play within the QUT community.
Our First Nations Officer is here to promote the interests of Indigenous persons by engaging with Indigenous and non-Indigenous students in the Law School.
For all ATSI questions, please email our First Nations Officer at firstnations.officer@qutlawsociety.com