About Media & Communications
The Media & Communication team is a highly active group in the QUT Law Society Inc. (QUTLS). They are responsible for producing the Springboard Careers Guide, The First Year Guide, The Gavel, and other QUTLS marketing materials. This QUTLS-run blog will provide some laughs, helpful tips on you degree and career and provide an avenue for you to list ‘published meme creator’ on your resume.
The team consists of law students who also have a creative passion. They create and source articles for our publications and blog, generate and design multimedia for the other QUTLS portfolios, and provide IT support and maintenance to the Society.
All online content and event information for Facebook and Instagram is produced by the Media & Communication team.
The Competitions Benchbook provides students an insight into everything they need to know before taking on QUTLS’ competition and external legal competitions. The Benchbook contains vital information on each competition, including: a crash-course on how each operates; instructions on how to prepare; examples of previous problems; previous student submissions; and, of course, how to sign up. The Benchbook also incorporates anecdotes, commentary and insights from experienced competitors and professionals who will speak to the benefits that arise from participating in competitions.
On this, 20th January Torts Illustrated 2 has been born again as Torts Illustrated 2.5. The QUTLS is proud to announce its release and hopes you enjoy all the beautiful bonus content that has been included in this late, or rather early edition of our bi-annual publication. Begin Again is an edition all about perspectives. Be it the year that was, personal growth and self-actualisation or the frontier of a brighter tomorrow, beginning again is something we all must do at some point. Thank you to our sponsors, QUT PLT, Herbert Smith Freehills and King & Wood Mallesons, as well as to our fellow QUT Law students for their wonderful and insightful submissions.
The QUTLS is proud to present the Springboard Careers Guide. Whether you're beginning to apply for clerkships or graduate roles or just starting out in your legal career, this guide will give you the rundown on everything you need to know. This year we have included even more content to help assist you in your journey. We have tips on interviews, CVs, volunteering opportunities, alternative law careers and profiles from Australia's largest law firms! We hope this guide can be your helping hand. We thank the media and comms team and the education team for your work and also to the firms who made this possible. Happy reading!
The QUTLS is very proud to present our First Year Guide. This guide will give you the run down on everything you need to know to start your law degree and learn about what we do here at the QUTLS.