Meet the Profession Online
Session 2 starts 5 PM today
Springboard Careers Guide
Get ready with our Springboard Careers Guide 2021
Getting ready for the sessions:
Ready: read up on firms, view the Careers Guide and see the clerkship season dates (August 13).
Get set: get ready for Zoom. You will need to get the latest Zoom update from here.
Present: wear appropriate formal attire. Feel free to introduce yourself and ask questions. Refer to the student guide for some examples. You can join and leave as many sessions as you like.
Session 2: 5 PM - 7 PM

Herbert Smith Freehills
Zoom link: https://qut.zoom.us/j/89458095634?pwd=SjlSWWVBdGNlbVVVWVhBOVcvYjd6QT09
Who we and what makes us unique?
Herbert Smith Freehills is one of the world’s leading professional services businesses, bringing together the best people across our 26 offices, to meet all your legal services needs globally. We can help you realise opportunities while managing risk. Understanding your requirements, objectives and operating environment is important to us - we listen and take time to do this. You have ready access to our deep global sectoral expertise, as well as our local market understanding, to help you achieve your commercial objectives.
The culture of the firm (For example, social aspects, sport opportunity and values)
Operating as one global team, we use innovative systems and processes to ensure your work is delivered intelligently, efficiently and reliably. We care about the markets and communities we work within and constantly strive to make them better.
What does it all add up to? When you work with Herbert Smith Freehills, you are partnering with a world-class and diverse team of client focused professionals who can ensure you achieve your best results.
At Herbert Smith Freehills, we aim to be the leading global law firm for the attraction, promotion and retention of women as part of our commitment to inclusion across the spectrum of diversity.

Piper Alderman
Zoom link: https://qut.zoom.us/j/86268887181?pwd=MmQwNkZtUHU3UUdMelpTanprTlBFUT09
Who we are and what makes us unique?
A premier commercial law firm, Piper Alderman has offices in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney. We work with clients across Australia and internationally to achieve optimum legal and commercial solutions. Our legal expertise has been built on nearly two centuries of industry experience. Piper Alderman has been a leading advisor to Australian commercial interests for more than 170 years and we continue to advance in knowledge, skills and commitment. We listen to our clients, respond to their needs and guide them through increasingly complex regulatory and business landscapes.
The culture of the firm (For example, social aspects, sport opportunity and values)
As a united, national partnership we are able to work in teams and collaborate in a manner that enables us to harness our skills and network effectively for our clients. We understand the importance of building enduring client relationships and are absolutely committed to advancing our clients’ interests and helping them achieve their business goals. Piper Alderman has a proud history of being at the forefront of many emerging areas of law, from landmark rulings to new legislation. Our lawyers understand and contribute to Australia’s legal framework in ways that give our clients a special edge.

Clayton Utz
Zoom link: https://qut.zoom.us/j/83048237336?pwd=Y3A0YUVxZUIwdU83WUZ4NkJOVHQ3dz09
Who are you and what makes you unique?
Staying true to your direction is what defines Clayton Utz.
At Clayton Utz, we've built a team of down-to-earth, collaborative lawyers who know that at the heart of exceptional client service is knowing what your client needs. We offer the sharpest legal minds. The clearest advice that cuts through the complexity, so our clients can concentrate on the things that really matter. And an unshakeable sense of what’s possible.
This offers our graduates the opportunities to work on cutting-edge, complex transactions and litigation with lawyers who are recognised as leaders in their fields. We also provide first-class training and development to support our lawyers to be the best they can be. As one of the world's top 10 pro bono firms*, graduate will also have the chance to contribute to our pro bono practice and help make a difference to the individuals and organisations it supports.
* Clayton Utz was named among the ten leading pro bono firms in the world in the inaugural Who's Who Legal Global Pro Bono Survey. The survey recognises firms that are leading the way in their pro bono contributions, levels of participation and efforts to institutionalise pro bono work.
The culture of the firm (For example, social aspects, sporting opportunities and values)
The culture at Clayton Utz is founded on the behavioural values of trust, respect and co-operation and our foundation value of highest ethical standards. They underpin everything we do. It affects the way we approach each other and our work, our service to our clients and our community involvement.

Zoom link: https://qut.zoom.us/j/85303804775?pwd=bjZnQUZQaW1BUHJwM3lDRHVmVFAxQT09
Who we are and what makes us unique?
Allens is a leading international law firm with a long and proud heritage of shaping the future for our clients, our people and the communities in which we work. From playing a pioneering role in the development of legislation and regulatory frameworks in the Asia region for almost 200 years, to acting on numerous 'firsts' across a range of industry and community issues, it is in our DNA to make a difference and help shape what our world looks like.
The culture of the firm (For example, social aspects, sport opportunity and values)
Over this time, we've grown in scale and reach, today offering clients a global network of 40 offices in 28 locations through our global alliance with Linklaters. We are privileged to hold some of the world's longest ongoing client relationships, stretching back more than 170 years, and we're committed to bringing our talent, expertise and insights to continue solving their toughest problems and creating ways forward to help them thrive. New and exciting market entrants sit alongside these established companies in our client base, drawn to working with us through the innovative re-packaging of our services for the growing and fast paced start-up market.

McCullough Robertson
Zoom link: https://qut.zoom.us/j/86301258506?pwd=ZklMVXBXQzZCbnZvcGZleUN1bDczUT09
Who we are and what makes us unique?
We are down to earth and friendly – a top-tier firm without the big-firm attitude. Our people are challenged to do their best, reach higher and achieve their goals, both personally and professionally. Last year we were named employer of choice for the third year running in recognition of our commitment to providing a flexible workplace that acknowledges the unique challenges and circumstances of modern families.
The culture of the firm (For example, social aspects, sport opportunity and values)
We believe strongly in diversity and insist on upholding an inclusive workplace which allows our people to bring their whole self to work. Last but not least, we recognise that it’s not all about work. We encourage our people to get involved and provide plenty of opportunities catering for all interests. If you’re sporty you might like to cycle with the McRollers or play basketball with the McShooters. If, like us, you are community minded we have a Community Partnership Program which supports community organisations and charities across a range of areas including indigenous education, mental health and rural and remote communities.

Norton Rose Fulbright
Zoom link: https://qut.zoom.us/j/87335157980?pwd=bWpPaUUyUFFvNnBFRnJlTUpZT1dvZz09
Who we are and what makes us unique?
We provide the world’s preeminent corporations and financial institutions with a full business law service. We have more than 3,700 lawyers and other legal staff based in Europe, the United States, Canada, Latin America, Asia, Australia, the Middle East and Africa.
Recognized for our industry focus, we are strong across all the key industry sectors: financial institutions; energy; infrastructure, mining and commodities; transport; technology and innovation; and life sciences and healthcare. Through our global risk advisory group, we leverage our industry experience with our knowledge of legal, regulatory, compliance and governance issues to provide our clients with practical solutions to the legal and regulatory risks facing their businesses.
The culture of the firm (For example, social aspects, sport opportunity and values)
Wherever we are, we operate in accordance with our global business principles of quality, unity and integrity. We aim to provide the highest possible standard of legal service in each of our offices and to maintain that level of quality at every point of contact. Norton Rose Fulbright Verein, a Swiss verein, helps coordinate the activities of Norton Rose Fulbright members but does not itself provide legal services to clients. Norton Rose Fulbright has offices in more than 50 cities worldwide, including London, Houston, New York, Toronto, Mexico City, Hong Kong, Sydney and Johannesburg.

Colin, Biggers & Paisley
Zoom link: https://qut.zoom.us/j/83423182716?pwd=S3ZrWTdoaGZyTkNWaDE1em42aXg2Zz09
Who we are and what makes us unique?
At Colin Biggers & Paisley, we’ve always been different. We have built a dynamic culture of innovation, opportunity and balance. It applies to the solutions we create for our clients and the careers we build for our people. We are proud of our long-standing relationships with many of Australia's most respected and successful companies. We are the lawyers of choice in the construction, property and insurance industries and maintain a strong presence in the areas of agribusiness, banking and finance, education, energy, mining and resources, and government.
The culture of the firm (For example, social aspects, sport opportunity and values)
It's exceptional people and an unrelenting commitment to our clients that's led Colin Biggers & Paisley from strength to strength over the last century. We provide active support and services in the community where they are needed most and are striving to be leaders in diversity and inclusion. We are proud of the impact our practice has on our clients, the law and the community. Our desire to be leaders in all that we do drives us to continue to improve what is already a successful and established legal practice. It is this ambition that saw us become the first legal practice to create an online property contract exchange platform, revolutionising the way real estate is bought and sold throughout Australia and the rest of the world.
The future of Colin Biggers & Paisley is about developing new ways to deliver legal services that will arm our clients for the challenges of tomorrow. It's about creating opportunities for our people, our clients and our community—and being there to support them every step of the way.