Law student engages in Facebook fight with Ranti-Vaxxer after receiving a 4 in Constitutional Law.


Ranti-Vaxxers (noun): Australian boomers that are devoutly opposed to a jab and love to complain. Typically have an unquenchable thirst to blame everything on a Labor premier.

Local net warrior has an implied freedom to fight Ranti-Vaxxers online, reports say. Sarah has just received a 4 in LLB203 Constitutional Law. Close friends say she feels fit and proper to solicit constitutional advice on Facebook.

It began on a Daily Mail Facebook post, asking the public to sad react if they believe face masks should be mandatory and love react if they believe we should have the freedom to choose. “Murdoch media at it again,” Sarah whispers to herself, getting her keyboard ready for war. 

Sarah makes mention of the recent Sydney protests, detailing the risks associated with large gatherings of un-vaccinated people. The Ranti-Vaxxer in question, accompanied by a Facebook profile picture of them at State of Origin: Game 3, states that they will not be getting an un-tested vaccination. “The flu vaccine has been around for years, I will be getting my shot because I know what’s in it!” says, completely disregarding the fact that the flu vaccine is re-formulated annually to combat new strains.

Tensions begin to grow as the RV cites the Magna Carta and Maritime Law. Sarah begins to think that this is not a fight that is worth fighting.

The last straw unveils itself as the RV in question plays the Sovereign Citizen card. “I don’t need to wear masks OR close my un-essential business during lockdown. I am a Sovereign Citizen. Do your research.” Sarah, now with high blood pressure, decides it’s time to continue scrolling.

Possibly some more to come…


Written by Mia Hoy

This satire piece first appeared on The George Street Journal on August 8th 2021


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