“I’ll scream if I have to look at another banana bread” says heartbroken millennial.


The first lockdown went great for Sarah. Not that she’d admit it to her mates that think wearing LuLuLemon while drinking Shiraz is “…essentially exercising.” Why, you might ask? Sarah really loved making banana bread. She made it for every single bake sale, office party, and wake she was invited to. This was way back when Corona was just a sh*t beer.

But then lockdown hit, and the rest of the world dug out their loaf pans and rotting bananas, like it was just something anyone could throw together. Of course, as the true banana bread fanatic that she was, Sarah initially jumped at the opportunity to post story upon Instagram story of her tried-and-true recipe. Did this annoy all her non-banana-bread fanatic friends? Sarah couldn’t give a f*ck. She was on top of the world. She was finally being appreciated like she’d always hoped she would. 

That is until sourdough came to town.

It began with one post about making crusty bread, then another, and then another. Until, banana bread was once again something people were grossed out by. It was once again the loaf Sarah was teased for liking. The loaf nobody wanted. The loaf was Sarah.

Sarah didn’t know how to respond. She’d waited 20 years to get the recognition she deserved. Was it all for nothing?

It’s been almost a year since the trend that broke Sarah’s heart. She hasn’t looked at a bunch of bananas in months, let alone made them into a stodgy fruit loaf. But Sarah has a new love, something that will get her through Brisbane’s 3rd lockdown. A baked good she can depend on…




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This satire piece first appeared on The George Street Journal on March 30th 2021


Covid Extensions: A letter to my lost lover


“Man I love that Tokyo Drift film!” says ship captain, seconds before disaster.