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To Vote or Not to Vote?

The end of the 2010s and beginning of the 2020s have been host to some of the most dramatic international and political developments in recent history. With Britain officially parting ways with the European Union (EU) in January this year, and many people both within and outside the United States hopeful for an end to the Trump presidency following the upcoming 2020 American election, this is opportune time to critically examine the way elections are conducted not just in Australia, but all democratic nations across the world. And the perfect place to start may just be a debate about the merits of mandatory voting laws.

By Morgan Lynch

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Where would we be without IP?

Humanity’s potential for innovation and creativity is seen throughout the history of the human race. We only have to look at the creations that the world’s inventors and designers have created to understand how far our collective level of technological progress has been made. It’s incredible to think of all the inventions that have come before our time and the inventions that will come in the near future. It is through these creations that we prove to ourselves that existing problems can be solved through inventions and our inner human thoughts can be expressed through art. Innovation and creativity is humanity’s hallmark. It is what sets us apart from all the animals on Earth. It begs the question where would we be without intellectual property (IP) stimulating such innovation and creativity?

By Gideon Caturla

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What am I doing?

I still remember the talk we were given in that LLB101 lecture back in 2016 when I started my law degree. Impostor syndrome. When you feel like you don’t belong, you’re missing something and everyone else is doing better than you. I’ll be honest, I felt a little impostor syndrome during my first year while I found my feet but this was NOTHING compared to what I would feel after returning to study after a leave of absence due to acquiring my disability.

By Cassandra Grey

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Being Comfortable with the Uncomfortable

When was the last time you thought of high school? It is a time that is often reminisced upon as “the good old days” or “the best years of your life”. For some, this may be a reminder of the years that have passed since their graduation from high school but to others it might be something that crosses their mind frequently. For me, it wasn’t too long ago when it was all I ever knew and naively believed to encompass my entire world. Approximately six months after graduating, I have to say, my world has definitely expanded and everything I once valued and considered important has changed as I embarked on this journey as a university student.

By Feba Philip

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Legally LGBTQ+

Ever since I started as a grad I’ve been involved with Momentum, CU’s diversity and inclusion initiative. I think that the most positive impact of my work with Momentum was simply forming a network with other allies and LGBTIQ+ people in the firm - realising that you’re not alone was extremely powerful for me, I can only hope that it had a positive impact on others as well.

By Chloe

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Realistic Resolutions

So, with this semester marking the beginning of a new decade, why not take the chance to set yourself a smaller, more achievable resolution? If you’re in need of some inspiration, check out the suggestions below for some quick and easy changes you can make to set yourself on the right path for the semester ahead.

By Morgan Lynch

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Focus on Law Societies: Lawyers Without Borders Student Division at QUT (LWOB QUT)

Lawyers Without Borders QUT Student Division (‘LWOB QUT’) is a not-for-profit student organisation that aims to promote human rights. The organisation also aims to providing charitable support for Lawyers Without Borders Inc (‘LWOB’). Our mission is to foster a value for pro bono work amongst law students and provide opportunities for students to engage with access to justice and rule of law issues. We were the first Lawyers Without Borders student division of Australia, having formed in December 2018 and opening membership in February 2019.

Article written by QUT Law & Inclusion of Culture (QUT LINC)

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Focus on Law Societies: QUT Women in Law

QUT Women in Law (QUTWIL) was established in 2019 by co-founders Ella Tait and Katie Cockburn. Their aim was to create a student society with a strong network of students, staff and industry professionals who are passionate about gender equality in the law. Despite 115 years passing since Flos Greig was first admitted, gender inequality in the legal industry persists.

Article written by QUT Women in Law

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Focus on Law Societies: QUT Law & Inclusion of Culture (QUT LINC)

Diversity, inclusion, togetherness, love and support. These are the values we cherish at QUT Law and Inclusion of Culture (QUT LINC). We believe that everyone deserves an equal opportunity regardless of their caste, colour, creed, race or nationality.

Article written by QUT Law & Inclusion of Culture (QUT LINC)

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